Thursday, June 10, 2010

Down with the sickness!

Today my Facebook status boasted my scheduled workout: An hour of water aerobics, half mile swim, and 3 mile run.  Out of that status update I have worked out a deal with two of my girlfriends (who live on the opposite coast and in the city where I will be moving) to sign up for and run Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon!  Wooo Whoo! On top of that AN the RB has decided she is going to do it too! Girls weekend in Vegas AND three more people about to be sucked into the world of MARATHON! It is a bug, a sickness! A fever….you can’t fight it.  Just let it be.  Now the hard part: register (i.e. pay a month’s salary), plan and train for Las Vegas!

Today was a great day! I got up and went about my Thursday morning routine, fiddled around until the last minute then rushed out the door to get my Little Buddy to preschool.  I got in the car and realized I was 5 Miles to Empty (sound familiar?).  Shoot. I hate, LOATH buying gas.  This is how I know I am a runner: I was thinking to myself, “Just get LB to school THEN run out of gas.  I can run to the Y. It’s only about 5 miles, maybe 6. I have 3 on the schedge.  Never mind my water aerobics class starts in 20 minutes, I’ll run FAST.”  As I headed to the Y with each mile closer I got I knew I could run and make it, eventually.  I coasted in on fumes and 0 miles to empty. That’s how I roll.

I taught my class at about 80% of my normal intensity.  I then swam half a mile in 16:27! I’m trying to get a jump on Augusts' triathlon. Then…then it was time for my 3 miles.  THREE miles never felt so hard.  I take that back, it felt that hard during my first triathlon. The one where I accidentally put cinder blocks on my feet instead of shoes…yeah that one was rough.  But anyway, today I was fatigued.  I can tell I have been slacking on my weekly mileage.  By the time this week ends it will be my highest weekly mileage since the marathon. Yep, I’m back in the madness that is marathon training! 

Now, remember when I won RLAMs random Wednesday giveaway?  No?  Well check it out HERE.   I won an awesome running outfit from BornFit HERE!  It came in the mail today! YIPEEE! It is super cute and fits well! I haven’t tested it out yet on a run but maybe I will this weekend when I am doing Sound to Narrows 12k! 

I gave my Little Buddy the camera so he could snap a picture of me in my new out fit. 

This is what he got: Great action shot son….


This is a self-timer shot…love my Little Buddy!

Isn’t this a totally cute outfit??  Thanks RLAM and BornFit!!

Today I am grateful for:

My new outfit!

Friends catching the running bug! Misery loves company!


  1. super your legs come with it as well.
    congats on another marathon on the horizon...good times!

  2. HI! I am one of Jill's friends from Running to Sanity. Just started my own blog. Anyways, I saw you are doing sound of narrows on Sat! That will be my first race! Maybe you can push me up a hill or two? Good Luck!!
    Oh and nice outfit!!! I look forward to rocking a skort one day!

  3. Great running outfit! Congrats. That's so funny about the gas. That's one of the benefits of living in NJ -- you can't pump your own gas. And yet, I still manage to put off going to buy gas until the situation is dire :)

  4. Great win. Like the outfit!

  5. cute outfit! You crack me scares me to death to think of running out of gas..but then I am always with a bunch of wee ones and running to the gas station would be a challenge!

  6. That first picture is hilarious! Love the outfit!

  7. That is great you got your friends to run the marathon with you! That will be such a fun time!

    Love the pictures! So cute!

  8. WOOHOO FOR VEGAS!!! Me and two girlfriends are doing that one too! It's my first marathon and their second. I can't wait!!!

  9. LOVE the new outfit.. Good luck and see you tomorrow...

  10. Yay for Vegas!! I have thought about signing up for that one too.. Except I don't have anyone to run with me while there so I doubt I'll do it.. Its to far for me to go by myself!! But You'll definitely rock it girl!! :)

  11. Cute outfit! I am contemplating doing the RnR Las Vegas. It will be just me - so, I'm not too sure about that.

  12. That is a super cute outfit!

    Great job hyper-miling to get there and get those workouts in! take the best pictures. ;-)

  13. Super cute running outfit and hooray for you for Vegas!

  14. Love the running gear! And that's awesome you found some people to run Las Vegas with you! (MAN, sounds like so much fun!)
    Good luck with your race romorrow!

  15. I love you outfit, hope running with it feels as good as it looks. Vegas- AWESOME! Girls getaway, fun and marathon - what do you want more!? :)

  16. It IS super cute!

    Did I miss a post? Where/when are you moving?

  17. The outfit looks great on you! Let us know how your next race goes! Good Luck and have fun!

  18. Hooray! Me = one of the friends! I can't wait, well yes I can.. Cause I need to train for this bad boy. Training starts TODAY. :)

    <3 CM

  19. Amanda: you look like the runner you are! Love the first pic your son took! Glad the BF outfit fits you so well...maybe it'll work for Vegas? :)

  20. Super cute outfit! Love the first pic -- that's how my little guy takes pics, too :-)


You're pretty much awesome!!


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