Yup. That's me. A huge working out slacking slack ball....
Actually, truth be told, I'm kinda ok with my slackiness lately. I've been eating healthy (
minus Wednesday when I ate my weight in chocolate, I have NO idea what was up with that, but it was delicious and I am NOT sorry) and staying active, just not my normal 5 Mile Style active of running and biking and swimming and yoga and kettle bells and jumping rope. I've been doing more sporadic runs, spontaneous yoga, random swims, and lots of trampoline jumping and acrobatics, lots of tug of war with doggies, races around the yard with LB, walks in the neighborhood, and kayaking. This kind of active is nice. It's not traditional workouts but it is exercise and my body is responding quite well to it. For so long I kept my body in a state of starvation mode, I think, where every thing I ate was stored to be kept as energy later on. So I remained on a plateau about 10 pounds heavier than I am now. And for me it's not about weight anyway though. It's more about health and living an active lifestyle, which is what I feel I am doing. And when you do that the benefits follow....
I have found myself missing my long runs lately though. The farthest I've ran in months is 5 miles. The heat and humidity pretty much murder you as soon as you walk out the door. It's hard to breath and it feels like your lungs are filling up with cotton. It's gross and horrible and awful....Any outside activity that does not involve water sounds pretty much like the stupidest idea in the world to me right now. But, back to missing the long runs....I have been missing them. I'm ready to build my endurance and base back up and get out for some long runs in the fall.
I've decided to finally join the YMCA now that they have opened a branch near my house. I'm excited to get back into a routine of going to the gym but I also want to make sure I keep it mixed up and don't find myself back on that stupid plateau where y body adjusts to the same ole, same ole. I want to keep my balance of running, lifting, exercise and just being active and healthy. I don't want my life to be ruled by training plans and routines. I lived that way for a long time and it served it's purpose at the time. Now I prefer spontaneity when it comes to working out....
Kayaking and swimming.... |
Swimming and Diving Board Fun..... |
Running around with these two beasts..... |
BEACH!!!! |
So my philosophy this summer has been simple: Get outside and play. Who wants to sit around the house when there is so much fun to be had??? Even if it is hot and humid..... Here are some ideas of fun things to do if you are in need of ideas:
Play in the sprinkler...with friends preferably. |
Jump on the trampoline.... |
Play Lazer Tag with 10 eight year old boys....or maybe not, that was kinda tough..... |
Shoot a bow and arrow and hunt rabbits that get in your garden..... |
Get out and enjoy what is left of summer...soon it will be cold and dark and gross....
What have you been doing to stay active? Give me some more ideas for these Dog Days of Summer!