Sunday, August 2, 2009

Today's 10 miler

So this week has been an awful training week. I may be in trouble for October's marathon. No, I AM in trouble for October's marathon! I think my total mileage this week is 11 miles. My plan is a very rigorous 12 week plan that has me running every single day but one. I have a mid-week long run and a weekend long run. Ugh! But I can do anything for 12 weeks, right? That is what I told myself when I was in the Air Force and I had to do ridiculous schools and training. But this is different. Add hotter than usually temperatures, a unpredictable work schedule, a 4 year old son, and a husband in the military who seems to be gone way more than he is home and I have a recipe for a marathon training disaster!

Friday my son started complaining of a headache. It kept me home from my shorter treadmill run Saturday and now I don't think I will make my 10 miles for today! So that is a total of 14 miles lost! I guess I will shoot for my 10 on Monday, which throws off the schedule for the rest of the week. But hey, it is all about being flexible right? I may be down but I am not out!

Portland or Bust!

Gratitude Journal
1. I am grateful that the gas station two blocks down sells milk at 6 AM on a Sunday morning.
2. I am grateful for good friends.
3. I am grateful that my hubby called and is doing well.
4. I am oh so grateful for my comfy bed.
5. I am grateful for nutella.

1 comment:

  1. As a running mom flexibility is KEY.. During my Marathon training I found that focussing on what I DID do instead of what I did not do really helped.. You will be great.. Just keep going...


You're pretty much awesome!!


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