Thursday, July 26, 2012

What oh What...

What have I been up to the past week? Well, a lot of nothing and a little of everything!

I am catching up from a mini vacation to the Outer Banks, NC where LB and I got to hang out with my  PNW Running Buddy, RED. It was great to see her and to spend some QT on the beach.

Remember this face???
I'm definitely not in a slump, which usually a hiatus of blogging is indicative of. I am actually in the opposite of a slump. I'm on a hump! I've been enjoying summer and having as much fun as responsibly possible. I've been running, not a LOT but it has been happening, which I say is great. I've been jumping a lot of rope-I'm kind of liking it despite the injuries I receive on a daily basis while trying to master the Double Under.

I think I need a new, nicer jump that doesn't hurt so bad. Or maybe I just need MORE practice.  I found a cool video about Jumping Rope. If you want to check it out go  HERE....

Either way I am determined to keep it up and try to jump rope at least 4-5 times a week. When I don't have much time even 10 minutes gets my heart rate up and leaves me feeling like I got a workout in. 

So far my marathon training os off to a mediocre start. My mileage is way too low, which I'm not surprised since it is 157 degrees outside and 99% humidity. I remember having this issue last year. I'm making the best of it and getting in even the shortest of runs. This morning I only made it 2 miles before calling it quits. Saturday I'll be up and at 'em early in an attempt to beat the heat for my long(ish) run with J-Ninja. I'm not sure what the weekend holds beyond that but I am certain I will find something to do...I saw where Lululemon is having Complementary Yoga, maybe I can drag J-Ninja to that...I mean, it is yoga after all....


  1. My brother was a wrestler in college, and jumping rope was one of his favorite ways to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the burn.

    I have tried to double under but never once succeeded.

  2. Looks like you have been having a great time at the beach! Jesse is very proud to hold the double under record at crossfit! Good luck mastering it.

  3. Ouch! That rope is angry. You need a much nicer one.

  4. Good job with the rope jumping, this is a killer workout! And your picture is proof :)


You're pretty much awesome!!


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