Monday, July 16, 2012

Magazine Workout Monday...

These magazine workouts are no joke...

My girl Sarah met me Saturday with the Fayetteville Running Club to get in our long run. I was definitely happy with the 6.3 miles. It was hot, humid and my calves were sore. Too much jumping rope.  We opted for the 4:1, run/walk approach and it worked out well. I don't see me training like this every time but for now I am still building my base and making my come back. I don't want any setbacks this time around. My race schedule it filling up fast... I am registered for Virginia Beach RnR 13.1 as well as OBX full. Big Sur 26.2 opened yesterday and as of this AM the race was 90% full. So if you have dreams of this race in 2013 you better immediately go register, like don't even finish reading this. My roommate from college (Sophomore year) dangled an offer I can nary refuse...she lives in Nassau, Bahamas and she said she was probably doing the marathon relay in January. She told me I should come run the marathon. Um, how can I pass up a weekend in the Bahamas? I don't know. I don't think I can. It is on the table. I'll decide. After that I have my heart set on OKC Memorial Marathon again.

Back to Sarah...she had a binder of a jillion Magazine Workouts and she loaned it to me. I picked Hard Core using a medicine ball from Women's Running Magazine. This morning I grabbed my new Reebok dual grip core ball and got to work.

First I did 15 V-Ups, holding the ball over my head and passing it to my feet. That was a struggle. My core is weak. Next was the Wood Chop, down to the left in a squat and up over the head to right. I really liked this move. I could feel it all over. Next move was Overhead Slam. Yeah I skipped this one. I wasn't going to slam the ball down on my living room floor. Next. Straight-Leg Sit-Up. One word for this one: Ouch. I laid flat on my back, holding the ball in both hands with my arms straight so that the ball was directly over my hips. Then lifted my torso while raising my arms straight over my head. OUCH. Next was the Swing. This could also have been done with a kettle bell. The Tight Rotation involved holding the medicine ball in front of my body with my arms straight. I quickly twisted from my hips to the right, then to the left, as quickly as possible. The Rotational Throw didn't happen, again I didn't feel like throwing my 8 pound medicine ball across my living room. Finally, the most challenging move was the Reaching Romanian Deadlift. This was a great workout and served as a good warm-up before my short run this morning. 

Even Lazy Dog was tired after watching....

So, magazine workout #2 done...and week #2 of marathon training done with 13 miles for the weekly total mileage. 


  1. What move is that one in the bottom right-hand corner with the "B" on it? Looks effective!!

    1. Yes, very effective. And painful. Pretty much you bring the leg down and the body up at the same time, then back down and out...I'll show you next time we are together. PS My schedule is getting FULL. Good and sad at the same time.

  2. When is the OKC Marathon?? That's where I was born!!

    1. Agh cool! I'm an Okie too!!! It is usually the last weekend in April.

      PS I will reply to your email ASAP. But we are good to go with the room. There will be three of us! So excited!!

  3. Core... that is what I am concentrating on too!

    1. There are tons of good moves out there! Now if I could just manage it in the kitchen. ;) Good luck with your core work!

  4. Oh thats a great idea to put magazine workouts in a binder...I think I better start as I have crumpled fitness magazines lying all around my workout room!

    1. Oh yeah! Don't let them go to waist! There are some really good workouts in those magazines. I had NEVER considered using them before.


You're pretty much awesome!!


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