Sunday, June 19, 2011

Resting Like a Champ!

First of all, Happy Father’s Day to all the men out there who call themselves Dad, Father, get the point. I am so happy to have been able to celebrate this day with my dad! Although I missed sharing it with The Hubs, it has been special to share it with my dad. If you are newer to my blog then you may not know that my dad was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer just a year ago. I decided I was going to raise money for ACS and DetermiNation and registered with TNT for the Seattle Rock n Roll half marathon. I was so nervous and afraid that I would not be able to make the limit. My friends and family and even strangers have stepped forward and helped me raise $1,530.23. Yes, the $.23 is awesome and makes me smile, every penny counts! Thanks to Mel, I have that .$23 that she added to her generous donation. I am a mere $19.76 from my goal of $1550.00. I couldn’t be more proud and excited. I had no idea how fundraising would make me feel… it is really difficult to describe the warm fuzzy feeling I get in my heart with each donation. Truly amazing! If you have a donation or charity budget for the year I am not sure there is a more worthy cause to donate to. If you are interested in making a donation check out my fundraising page HERE. Saturday’s 1/2 Marathon is dedicated to my dad…every step. Maybe it will lead me to a PR. Maybe.

Tomorrow I hope to get up pretty early for an easy 4 or 5 mile run. I really need to since I logged ZERO running miles last week. Hence the resting like a champ. I head to WA on Tuesday and I look forward to a couple of easy 3-4 mile runs while in T-Town. I may run too much and be too tired come race day Saturday but I just can’t wait to run my old routs! CAN’T WAIT. I hope to run Wed, Thurs and Friday and Monday AM! Woooo whooo!! I may even shoot for two-a-days! But don’t count on it!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day!

I will see many of you soon!! If you didn’t catch all the details about our Bloggy Meet up plans here they are again:

Rock and Roll Seattle!!! Here are the details stolen from Mel-Tall Mom:

  • Friday Night Carbo-load Dinner: Please email me for details, all are welcome. If you did not get the Evite and would like to come let me know ASAP (tallmomontherun @ hotmail).
  • Start Line: I will be in Corral 7. However a bunch of Bloggies will be meeting around Corral #6 30 minutes prior to the race start to get a photo op. If the race is set up the same way as last year Corral #6 should be close enough to get the start line in the background.
  • Finish Line: The finish area is always a zoo. The Family Reunion areas are coded by letters. Although I do not plan to stay there too long, we can try for Family Reunion B, B for Blogger.
See you all there!!!


  1. Ahhh I SO wish I was running the RnR now that everyone is talking about it. I just wait too long to register... BOOO! You are going to have SO much fun! Good luck!

  2. So glad you had a nice weekend with your Dad. On to Seattle!!!

  3. Best of luck on the RnR - the weather leading up to it is supposed to be beautiful.

  4. Sounds like the race will be a blast! And congrats on meeting your fundraising goal.

  5. So glad you had that special time with your Dad!


You're pretty much awesome!!


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