- Early, early AM runs starting July 5
- Evening bike trainer rides
- Back yard weights
- 6 small, healthy meals/snacks a day
- Swim when possible

...It's good to be home.
I returned to a spotless house, thanks to The Hubs. How lucky am I? I don't think I will have to clean for days! The Hubs took LB to Ju Jit Su tonight so I could stay home and I actually got completely unpacked. That is a first! It usually takes me weeks to get unpacked. I put all my new goodies away, including awesome samples that were given to us at our Bloggy Meetup last Friday, Nuun samples, Gu samples, and a gift bag from onlineshoes.com with a water bottle, t-thirt, hand sanitizer and a coffee mug (SCORE!!).
Today I tried to go to Master's Swim but the pool was closed due to some issue with the chlorine. Of course I didn't prepare so I had no tennis shoes or other clothes to run in or go to the gym so I didn't work out today. I wonder what they would have said if I would have tried to go lift weights or hit the elliptical in my swim suit and flip flops? Hm...don't think I want to find out. I really needed to get a lot of work done anyway so I headed back to the office to begin tying up loose ends before I start my new job on Friday. I am feeling a little stressed out about the transition and need to really work out my plan for getting my workouts in. I am thinking early, early AM or evenings. That is my only option. Really I'll only have a couple of evenings a week due to The Hub's schedule unless I use the bike trainer at home, which is a good plan.
Speaking of the bike trainer, I have a sprint triathlon coming up next weekend (not this weekend). I had hopes of doing really well but I have been slacking on the bike big time. I was told it is a hilly bike course too which is not boding well for me. I am certainly starting to see that more is not necessarily better. I have too much (i.e. too many races) on my plate. I need to focus on key races and train my booty (literally) off so that I can do really well in that one particular race. After this tri, on July 11 I a supposed to start my full marathon training. This could workout ok since I only have one other race planned in September.
The idea of marathon training is a bit daunting. During the Seattle Rock n Roll half we joked about being glad we were only doing the half. Actually I'm pretty sure I have felt this way during every single half marathon I have run that has a full marathon too. When I see the Marathon Mile 13 marker I usually say, "wow, thank goodness I'm only dong the half." But, I guess during 2 out of 3 marathons I have done I wished, at least at some point during the race, that I was doing the half. During OKC, my first full, the half never crossed my mind. I was loving the life of a 26.2 runner. During Portland I wanted to be done at mile 12, throw myself off the bridge at mile 17, and wished for a Mac truck around mile 23. During Vegas I was tempted by Tall Mom and the half finish line and declined, I stuck to my goal of 26.2. But by mile 13.5 I wished I had not taken that right hand turn that lead me to 13.1 more miles of fun (term used lightly). With all that being said, I am ready to tackle 26.2 in 2011. I think one this year is respectable. If anyone wants to argue that all I have to say is....Ahem, cough, cough....70.3! With marathon #4 my goal will be to run the race and not wish I was doing the half or for death at any point during the race. I think those are achievable goals. Don't you?
So with the excitement of Seattle Rock n Roll behind me I am going to ride the high for a while. Hopefully it will carry me right through my next tri and into full training.
Finally, I leave you with this picture of LB at the airport in his Cowboy Hat, like Farm Grandpa
I had high hopes for Seattle RnR. Coming in to it I had visions of beating my course and standing half PR by a few minutes. After all I had been running in temps at least 35-40 degrees hotter and humidity around 60-80% higher. Why couldn't I PR? I should PR. Or so I told myself for the week leading up to the race. And I still think I could have, if conditions had been perfect. Let me explain.
Are conditions ever perfect? I think they are, occasionally. Last year's Seattle RnR conditions were perfect. Weather was good, my legs were fresh, my mind was right. Everything was just right. This year things were not wrong but I was not 100% right. I hate making excuses but traveling makes it really hard to have a good race. Anyone else agree? Is it ever a good idea to attempt a major goal for a destination race? I think it can be if done correct....Anyway, I flew into Seattle LATE Tuesday night. Actually it was EARLY Wednesday morning. I got back to The ORC's house and to sleep after 2 AM. Wednesday night I stayed up late just the same. Thursday the same...Friday I got to bed a decent hour, probably asleep by 11. While my to-bed schedule was off my wake-up schedule was still normal, I was getting up early in the mornings. I am a person who needs my sleep but I didn't want to waste any time I could have with my friends. I had so little time and as The Hubs puts it, I can sleep when I'm dead.
The second thing that may have affected my race performance in my nutrition. I have been eating six times a day, small meals consisting of protein, carbs and fat. Traveling just throws that all off. Not to mention I wanted to hit up all my favorite old restaurants. I drug poor Jessica ORC to Joy Teriyaki, Silk Thia, Katie Downs, and The Ram. Lots of eating out and little good-for-me food. I tried to make good choices but it's just not the same.
The third factor was just plain old mental exhaustion. Seeing old friends and go,go,going was fun and dazing! But I had little down time to focus on my upcoming race. I was having fun each and every minute, one day at a time and my race plan and goals were really pushed back until it got closer. But before I knew it, it was race day! I was ready, but not really. I was excited to see everyone and I was caught up in the fun and the photos and just being there! It was so much fun! I had on my smiles but not my game face. My game face is necessary to dig within and get focused. It happens rarely but when it does the results are usually pretty good. It is a mental state that takes effort for me to find and sometimes even when I try I just can't get there. Saturday I couldn't get there...BUT that is ok. I had a great time!
Here I am with RED at the start. Yeah, my nose is a little red because I got a little bit emotional when I was mingling with all the others who were running for DetermiNation. I met a lady who is a 4 time survivor. Absolutely inspiring. Her passion is raising awareness and working to find a cure. There were a lot of other stories and so many people who have been affected by cancer in one way or another. I felt so proud to be a part of DetermiNAtion and the $1550.14 raised!
Here are some of the crew who met with us at Corral 6 for the pre-race photo op:
What's next? Raleigh Triangle Sprint Tri. I am currently flying high above TN on my way to NC. Tomorrow I hit the pool and the road. Back on track with my diet and routine...There are races to run, PR's to break and set.
…when I can!
Oh sweet UPS track…It was great to see this track again. I put many many miles on this track.
I was excited to hit the roads of Tacoma this afternoon. It was maybe 62 degrees, a far cry from the 100 degree temps I have been facing back home. I set out with only 3 miles on the Garmin. I had no plan or route in mind but I knew I wanted to just run and I needed to keep it short and stay away from 30th and 36th streets. Hill work is NOT on the agenda three days out from my upcoming Half Marathon. I enjoyed every moment of my time on my familiar paths. I actually made a point to run by one of my favorite corners just to see the beautiful yard and flowers. Oh don’t worry, I took a picture.
I am looking forward to another easy run tomorrow!
So many exciting things in store this week and weekend!! I can’t wait to see everyone and meeting so many new bloggies!
> I remember during this race last year I had a thousand different emotions flowing through my body. The Hubs was in Afghanistan and I had only recently found out about my dad's cancer. At the expo I filled out one of those bibs you can wear, In Honor Of My Dad. I wore that and ran the race and achieved my current half marathon PR of 1:55 and some change. Anytime I got tired or stated to doubt I would reach down and touch my bib.
That race I was in a zone. I thought about my pain, my self-imposed pain that really was a moment in time. Insignificant in comparison to all that would be ahead for my dad and others fighting cancer. Who was I to complain? My health was good. I was strong. I chose to put my body through this. This year I will do the same. Although I will be running with others, Mel and Blonde Ponytail have volunteered to pace me to a PR, I know they will understand that this race is dedicated to my dad. I may be within my own head and running with my heart.
I love you dad, and if running 13.1 miles would guarantee a cure for cancer I'd do it 1000 times over. What's another 987 half marathons? Seattle Rock n Roll will be my 14th!
Today it was so windy! Oklahoma is normally pretty windy but today, and lately so I hear, it has been really, really windy. This morning it was blowing 40+ mph and I did not want to run into the wind. Yes, I’m a weenie. So my mom drove me three miles down the road so that I could run down wind, with the wind. Boy did I run fast with 40+ mph winds at my back!
Here is LB chasing his cowboy hat…
Luckily he caught it! He said, “Good thing I can run fast mom! I don’t care if the wind blows my hat away, I’ll just get all sweaty running after it!”
This evening I couldn’t resist a swim. I headed to the Air Force Base in town and hit the pool for an easy 2100 m swim.
I am also super excited to have reached my fundraising goal!! Three donations in the last 4 days have put me at my goal! Yipeee!! I am so excited! Thank you to all who have donated!
Tomorrow I head to Seattle. Just in case you were wondering I am pretty excited. On tomorrow’s flight I will be thinking about my goals for RnR Seattle. I need to be realistic yet ambitious…
Remember my post back in March about my stinky clothes? No? Good, forget it, I don’t stink. Girls smell like roses, always!!
Ok, whatever. My running clothes were kind of funky and you all gave me some great tips. Last week I was running and I kept smelling something, a mixture of gross, stale sweat and delicious Snuggle Fabric Softener. A disturbing combo to say the least. To my horror I realized the smell(S) were coming from me. Well tie a rock to my leg and shove me overboard. That.Is.Sick. Anyway, everything was good except my Garmin HR Strap. I wash it, I honestly do. Just not after every single use. It was rank and ready for a good burning washing. I decided to take it a step further. I took some of my favorite running attire, including my hat, and soaked it in the sink, in a bowl with a good amount of white vinegar. I just let it sit there and soak for at least an hour. Then I laundered it as usual and let me tell you…it worked! My HR strap smells great and so does everything else! I will certainly be doing this once a week from here on out. I do not want to be the stinky girl.
I haven’t really ran at all this week. It really just occurred to me. Shoot. That is not good…My scheduling was just off this week trying to see all my clients before heading out of town and other work stuff. Not to mention Master’s Swim is daily from 11-1 and it is just smack dab in the middle of things. Plus I paid for it so it’s like a race fee, I have to go. Although it is too much to do every day and I have going Mon/Wed/Fri. So yeah, I went today. I was hoping for a nice easy swim today. Ehhhhh!! Wrong! I looked at the board and saw the total, 3,400 yards. Oh boy.
But like the good pupil I am I got in and started swimming. For those of you who are like me, of a runner’s mind, you are wondering just how far 3,400 yds is. Well I will tell you it is 1.93181818 miles. Once I realized that I was ticked. Who goes 1.93181818 miles? As a runner I can’t stand to stop short. On a 20 miler I can’t stop at 19.93! Are you out of your mind? No way! That is NOT 20 miles. Some of you may not feel so strongly but if I set out for 5miles I am not stopping at 4.92. That is just awful! I have run past my house like 10 steps just to get to my even, exact mileage. So I wish so bad I would have know so that I could have done just a few more laps to make it 2 miles. And I’ll just throw out there that the IM swim is 4224 yards…..oh boy, my brain is thinking terrible thoughts….and along those terrible thoughts….
…I am ready to begin my marathon training. I believe it starts July 11, just over 4 weeks. I have decided on OBX!! Anyone else out there doing OBX in November??
And finally, Rock and Roll Seattle!!! Here are the details stolen from Mel-Tall Mom:
See you all there!!!
Well I am off to finish packing! I leave tomorrow for Oklahoma where I will spend a few days with my fam, celebrate Father’s Day with my amazing Dad, then leave LB behind to get spoiled by his grandparents, then off to Seattle! Busy week ahead and I can’t wait!
And it was awesome!
Today I (and the The Hubs) swam 1.761 miles. I may accidentally be preparing for an Iron Man. Ok, ok, lets not get ahead of my self here but sheesh, if I keep this up all I need to work on is biking 112 miles and get the marathon after all that down. Ok, so after putting that down it is clear that I am not accidentally training for an Iron Man. I am just a swimmer in Master’s Swim. Either way today’s 3,100 yds is my farthest swim to date. It was a doozie! I had to take a picture of the board. It is hard to read maybe but on your left is a workout totaling 3,100 yds. On your right is one totaling 1,700 yds.
Sweet! I thought when I arrived, choice day!! I knew I would chose to do the 3,100 yards. So I jumped in and got started. If you notice near the bottom it says 12x25 sprint. Um, yeah. That was like death. I would rather run 1,000x25 sprints. That.Bad. We had the whole pool and so we did these as a team. Cool, right? It was like a race and it was also like being a part of team, because well we are a team. A swim team! So fun! UNTIL…she said GO! The fast ones were gone. I could see their splashes so far ahead it was not even funny. I was sharing a lane with a guy who was pretty good too. I staying with him sometimes, and others he would get me by a stroke or two. The idea was that the faster you swam these the longer you could rest. I don’t know how long, time wise, each one was, maybe 30 seconds, or 45? But each time by the time I hit the wall there was only about 7 seconds to rest. The last one could not have come quick enough. But I did it! I love doing something hard! I love the feeling of accomplishment! I have never had structured swim like this and so far I love it. And it is something The Hubs and I are doing together. QT and exercise. Can’t beat that! Too bad I wont be able to continue after July 1. Full time jobs sure do put a damper on my training. Can’t I just be a pro? Who will take a chance on me? Who will step up and sponsor me 100%? I promise I can do it! I’ll win! (just email me, we can work out details). I want my full-time job to be to train….le sigh….
I had plans to lift and do an easy, easy run after the swim but that was before I realized how serious this workout would be. I took the rest of the day off. I may hit up some Ab Ripper before bed. Tomorrow will be early speed work, Friday swim and easy run. Saturday rest and travel! And I bet Sunday will be rest day too. I am looking forward to my rest days!
Here I am after my workout and our Coach is there giving some stroke tips (hope you don’t mind your pic being here on the blog??). Most everyone was gone by this point.
And this is what almost 2 hours of free style swimming outside will do for you…
Next time I‘m going to get out halfway through to reapply the sunscreen.
And in random news, last night I got banished from the kitchen while The Hubs and LB made me dinner. I heard The Hubs say to LB, “Should we make it fancy?” I came to the table to find my fancy dinner, water in crystal, tuna steaks, salad with almonds and strawberries, pasta and cherries for desert. It was delish!
And finally, remember my Ambassador video for Fitfluential? Well I got the word today that I was selected to represent the Raleigh/Durham, NC area!! Check it out here: Fitfluential. I am super pumped!! I can’t wait to see all the exciting things to come!
So many exciting things are happening here at 5MPE! You may also have noticed, on the upper right side of the blog, that I am now proudly sponsored by Onetri.com! Now if only I could quit my day job (that I haven’t even started yet…).
Well, again I hear my bed calling my name…that thing is so needy. But I cannot decline. I need my beauty recovery sleep! Happy training!!
I have been swamped this week! What? It’s only Tuesday?
It feels like I should be deep into Thursday with the amount of work I have done already…Leading up to a week off is always hard. Not to mention I have given my notice to quit this job and begin a new one when I return. I am ready to board my flight and head to OK to see my College BFF in town from Italy and drop LB off to spend a week with his Farm Grandma and Farm Grandpa! Then it is off to Seattle!!! I can’t wait!
Speaking of Seattle, Seattle Rock n Roll is on June 25! A whopping 67 people have RSVD’d to my Running Buddy Appreciation Day HERE! If you haven’t already just go ahead and do so!! All you have to do is say THANK YOU to that person who makes running bearable on those days you don’t want to! Hats off to you!! You complete me…Oh wait, maybe not that, but maybe so? Either way, I want this to become a yearly event! World Wide!! In 2045 I want to look back, on June 25th and say, “I remember when I declared that day….” Now if I could just somehow make some money off of it….But in all seriousness, we have Secretaries Day, Teacher’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Earth Day. And now Running Buddy Appreciation Day!
I never did say thank you for all your awesome comments on my post about doing too much HERE. Many of you gave some very valuable insight and resources. And all of you gave me such encouragement! I appreciate all of it. It is just so frustrating but it is somewhat comforting to hear that I am not alone. Many of us struggle with the same issues. That tells me a few things: We aren’t getting the right information, there is a huge GAP in the literature and information that is dispersed to us. We get inundated with training plans and workouts and the physical aspect of it but our nutrition and fueling is often left out. It is more than calories in calories out…which is what I was always told. The science is important and this should be taught, I think starting young, in high school sports. I played sports in HS and college and my coaches never told me to go home and eat a healthy combination of Carbs/Fats/Proteins. My muscles were ripped to shreds in track and cross country practice and I had no idea how to eat to repair them…not placing the blame just pointing out what I see. If any of you have a love for nutrition and are looking for a niche, I think I have found it. You are welcome…now help us!
The second thing I have learned is that Sports Nutritionist are expensive. But I guess the idea is that if you pay them the money you hopefully will learn the information and be able to apply it for the rest of your life, kind of like with my job as a therapist. I hope to give clients the tools they need so that they can go on with their lives and learn to make good decisions on their own.
I know I need more weight training. But where does it fit in my schedule? It fits in my evenings on my back porch. That is where. No excuses. Make it happen. Thank you all for giving me the nudge I needed to snap out of my pitty party and get it together. The verdict is that I am not overtraining. I know my body’s limits. I take rest days at least once a week. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not rest days…I love what I am doing and that is good enough. I will get to my ideal race weight. Eventually.
Monday I swam with the Master’s Program. Holy Swims A Lot! Can you say 3,000 yards? That is a lot of swimming! I am truly loving it! The team is participating in a swim meat the weekend of the 25th. I would so be in that if I weren’t gong to be in Seattle!! I would get killed but it would still be really cool to do it! This morning I rode my bike with the Hubs, or actually I chased him for 14 miles. I have gotten pretty weak on the bike and I don’t see any time for improvement between now and my next tri on July 10th. Between travel and my new job I guess I’ll just have to hope for the best. Tomorrow I am getting up early for a run then hitting up Master’s Swim mid morning. Busy busy busy!
Now it is off to bed for some sweet recovery sleep….did you know sleep is essential to recovery? It is…you don’t have to tell me twice to go to bed!! Good night, stay classy San Diego.
Yeah, I may not go to war and fight terrorist with my running/training partners but we do suffer together and there is something to be said for that.
There are certain things in life, events and whatnot, that you can go through simultaneously, side by side together and it ends up bringing people close, it forms a glue of sorts. It can be wonderful events or tragedies. For instance people who share experiences with sick children, aging parents, marriages and divorces, and for me the wives of other men who deployed with The Hubs. Or take for instance when two people are pregnant at the same time. I really felt like I grew a lot closer to my sister when I was pregnant with LB and she was pregnant with CB at the same time. Suffering, growing a human, swollen feet and ankles, being miserable tends to bring people together.
May I also add to this list running and training forms a social cohesion among people who are working toward the same goal. I know many have blogged about training/running partners, and why not? It’s a serious topic. There are just things that happen out there on the road that are not normal by other people’s standards. It’s not always glamorous or cute, we aren’t always at our nicest. Dying, hot, miserable, sore, pushing to our limits does not always make for pleasant company. I know I have gotten snappy a time or two, and even been silent for miles. It is hard to find a running buddy that just meshes with you, that understands your running idiosyncrasies and doesn’t judge, doesn’t scoff and doesn’t care. To find someone comfortable with the silence of a run, or opens up mid way through, that someone who listens and offers advice, insight, or just nothing…the person who just gets it. Long runs are cleansing and it is almost strange what one is willing to talk about 10 miles in with 10 to go. It is a phenomena that it is suddenly ok to share your inner thoughts, fears, doubts and experiences with this person. Somehow, you share things with this person you don’t share with anyone else. The Running Partner is sacred. When you do find that person, or if you are lucky, more than one person, hold on to them. Latch on! Grab their ankles and don’t let go….Drag them with you when you move…
Running Buddies are worth their weight in gold. I have been so lucky to have a number of great running buddies and looking back on the miles spent together I smile, sometimes get teary-eyed, but usually get a pit in my stomach because I long for just another run with them (or a lot more…).
So to my Running Buddies, you know who you are, past and present, THANK YOU. You have been instrumental in getting me to where I am today, physically, mentally, and emotionally. You have supported me often without even knowing, on the road and off. You have somehow known, like a sixth sense, just when to call and when I needed to hit the road. You have pushed me when need be, nudged me when I needed it most, listened as I tried to talk but usually couldn’t because of the need for oxygen…You have stopped mid-run and hugged me (without even bothering to stop the Garmin). You have cried with me, laughed with me (and at me), and you have walked with me, chased me and pulled me (to the end of 26.2 RED). You have supported me and my goals and encouraged me beyond words. You have called me at ridiculous hours and drug me out to the road, when all I wanted was to stay in bed…But you forced me to live life and appreciate it all. You gave me insight and perspective, you gave me hope. I can only hope that I have done the same for you…
And just for old time’s sake, here are some of my favorite Running Buddy memories, this is by no means all of them, just a few:
Some of you may fancy yourselves as Lone Runners. I used to be, for the most part, a Lone Racer and a Lone Runner. I still enjoy racing my own race but there is something to be said for sharing an entire race with another person, step for step, side by side. To all my Running Buddies…..you are amazing!
Can I establish a Holiday? Because I am herby announcing that June 25th is Running Buddy Appreciation Day. Mark your calendars and celebrate the day with a good run with your Running Buddy by your side. Tell him/her what they mean to you because I guarantee you, if you didn’t have them you would miss them and getting out the door at 5:30 AM (or whenever) would be much less enjoyable.
So what do you think? Will you mark your calendars for June 25 and spread the word? Aren’t our Running Buddies worth it?