Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh Halloween….

And your tiny, tasty, sugary, chocolaty goodness that is awful and I can’t avoid. I think the candy bowl has a magnet in it and it draws me in….This holiday I think is the worst as far my intake of terrible, awful junk.  Not to mention Halloween is also The Hubs’ birthday so we had cake and cupcakes too. Ugh. And right now, as I type this, I am hearing my name…I am being beckoned to the candy bowl, “Amanda…..Aaaaaa man…duhhhhhh… me! I’m delicious! So. Good. You’ll go for a run tomorrow! Don’t worry! One wont add 5 pounds!” Ha, no. One wont add 5 pounds but ONE 50 times a day sure will!

Anyway, I’ve been a slacker. At least in the bloggy department and only slightly in the running department.  With Harvest Festivals, house warming parties, Trick-or-Treating, Halloween, and the Hubs’ birthday all going on at once I have been super busy! Oh yeah and the GIANTS in the World Series doesn’t help either.

I did get out on Saturday for my long run! After consulting with RED I decided that 18 miles was too much for me physically right now. She suggested a long run schedule of 12, 15, 18 then taper.  My plan had some longer mid week runs of 9 and 10 miles which we agreed was too much. So I plan to run 3 or 4 days during the week, not counting my long run, and keeping the runs to 5 miles or less. I think this will be much more manageable and keep me alive for the next 5 weeks. I have to honestly say that I am ready to get Vegas over with so I can move on to bigger shorter and better things less painful training….

So you all should meet Breaking Pace! HERE

Chrissy and bike






She agreed to meet me at 8 AM Saturday morning and ride with me while I ran! She showed me the air field loop on base during our first bike ride and suggested this as a good place to get my miles in. It is a loop about 6.7 miles around.  She rode with me at first but it was really cold, 34 degrees, so she rode ahead to warm up. She planned to ride a loop and then check in with me and go from there. It was a really good place to run. I felt safe for one, and there was no riff raff roaming around or blowing by me on the streets. Plus I used to be stationed at this Air Force base when I was a cop in the military, so I knew that there were cops sitting around waiting for time to pass. I even knew some of the spots where they would park to just be out of sight for a while and sure enough, I ran by and cranked my neck to look down a small path and saw the bumper of a cop car. HA! Some things never change. But nonetheless, I felt safe and I am certain I will be running there again, a lot.

In the time that I ran one full lap and a 2.5 mile out and back Christina  rode THREE loops! This was her longest ride ever and she did awesome!

Here we are after the run and her ride:

me and Chrissy



I cut my face off, stupid   iPhone…(too bad I don’t have a super cool phone like Jill’s).




Next weekend I have 15 miles. I might meet Christina on base again but I also found a running group in Fayetteville and they ware meeting for World Run Day!

And lastly, November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month! I’ll try to find info and stuff to share with you all throughout the month.

purple ribbon campaign


  1. Great job with the run! I have the same magnetic candy bowl problem!! It's so annoying!!

  2. Way to go on the run! I've been a big time slacker in the blog commenting department! Forgive me!
    Hope you have a great week!

  3. I am sure you have been one busy bee..glad to hear you are getting connected!

  4. My hubby's bday is the day before Halloween... so we have half a cake in the fridge as well as a bowl full of candy... so I feel your pain!!!

  5. It's nice that you have a buddy in the new digs! Did you ever introduce yourself to the stroller-running-mom? You are doing great, even though you think you aren't. Keep it up, you can do this!

  6. Ha ha...your paragraph about the Halloween candy totally cracked me up! It's sooo true!

  7. Yay! A training buddy. Very cool. I knew it wouldn't take you too long. :)

  8. Yay Giants - World Series Champs!! Woo-hoo!

    Too funny about the candy. It's the cookies and cupcakes that are the killer for me. It's a good thing we run =)

  9. The evil candy bowl!!!

    Sounds like a good plan in place to get you to Vegas with your sanity!

  10. Just to let you know I tagged you for the food post! In case food wasn't on your mind enough, but wanted you to know we missed you and were thinking of ya!

  11. Thanks for following me too!! I totally admire your commitment to train for the Vegas marathon!! Amazing!! At least it will be dry right?!!! :)

  12. I'm having a blast now that you're back, thanks for the tag. :)


You're pretty much awesome!!


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