Saturday, January 23, 2010

Running Amok

After Wednesday's 5 mile run I was tired. I wasn't really sore, just tired. On Thursday's I teach water aerobics at the YMCA and believe it or not it makes me tired, so yesterday I decided not to run. No biggie, that is why I love Hal Higdon's plan, I can tweak it however I need to. Today I had to make up that 3 miles.

Mile 1 9:30
Mile 2 9:04
Mile 3 8:34

Not too shabby. I have to remind myself that I am still easing back into running. I am not sure how long it takes to loose your base but I haven't really done anything since my half marathon on Nov. 29. I stubbornly and stupidly made the decision, despite how I was feeling, to run the 12K's of Christmas on Dec. 20. That was horrible, 12K in 1:2o.27. OUCH. I seriously did it Galloway style, run for a few walk for a lot. I was not feeling well but I have a hard time passing up a race I am registered for. And so, I am working my way back into running consistently. Tomorrow will be my long run of the week. I had planned to run a local 10 mile race but alas, mommy duty calls, so I will be running my 10 miles later in the day all by myself (insert whine and cheese here) when I have someone who can hang out with my Little Buddy for a bit over an hour. Ah....being a single-married mom has it's moments. This is the challenge of marathon training and I knew it would be. I have to be flexible and determined.

Today I am grateful for:
Friends who love to cook and invite me over for dinner (thanks Jess!!!!).
Airplane tickets to go home to see my fam in about one week! YAY!
Saturday's with my Little Buddy.


  1. How come I wasn't invited to dinner? Darn. I'll bet it was good too.

    You can go about two - three weeks without really losing any base. After that...

  2. I also cannot pass on a race that I'm registered for, despite if I'm not in physical shape for it either. Good luck on your long run today, be strong!

  3. Good luck on the long run! You can do it...

  4. Awesome that you will be seeing your family :)

  5. Glad to hear you are making your way back! I will be doing 10 by myself this weekend too. Here's to great solo runs!

  6. I'm doing 8 by myself today, too. I was going to go this morning in the dark, but it's raining and I'm hoping it'll clear up by the time the kiddo takes a nap.

    Sometimes we just have to roll with the style.

  7. Keep up on the training! Great job! You will have a great long run today. I am scheduled for an 8 miler, but am hoping some of the humidity disappears before I go!!

  8. I am a half-the-time single married mom too. It sucks! Hope you find a good friend who will let you get that run in!

  9. I love how you end your posts with three things you're grateful for. I hope you don't mind if I "borrow" the idea!

  10. I love hal higdons plans too! They are just flexible and keep training fun!

  11. I hear you on trying to fit training in while being a Mom, let alone as a married single om, but it sounds like you're working it!


You're pretty much awesome!!


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