I have a really hard time doing tempo runs on the streets because of traffic and stop lights. I guess I could try it on a track…but I prefer to save the track for my interval training. So I do tempo runs on the treadmill so that I can control my speed and actually know how much I am speeding up and when I can slow down.
Yesterday I was reading an entry over at Frayed Laces (HERE) where she had a conversation with her coach. Coach? I NEED a coach. Her conversation got me to thinking, how many of my miles are “junk miles”? I need to really focus on my tempos, intervals, hills, and pace runs. I find myself finishing my half marathons (6 of them) all within the same time frame, actually within 2 minutes (except for the Seattle Half which I don’t really want to talk about right now but you can read my rant HERE).
So something has to change. I have to push myself a little bit harder, run a little bit faster. This reminds me of a convo I had with AN the RB a few weeks ago. We were talking about running and I told her I think we might just be joggers. Oooo, those are fighting words. But we don’t run fast. We jog. Then as we were discussing this two girls flew, and I mean flew by us. THEY were running. And they were running 5 Mile Drive so they were at least RUNNING 5 miles, maybe more. Their pace was fast, their strides long, their bodies sweaty. We were sweaty too, and nearing mile 8 but still…jogging. So how do you get over that hump and go from jogging to running? I have emailed my old cross country coach in hopes that she will be my Virtual Running Advisor. I can’t wait to hear back from her! In the mean time, I am going to work on running.
Today I am grateful:
That my mole was “a plain ‘ole mole”.
That AN the RB is on her way over for a RUN.
It is hump day!!!!!
For my new chop sticks from Japan! Thanks Hub!
Run Happy everyone!

I have to laugh at this because when I got back from my RUN yesterday (7:21 pace for 3 miles is running right?) the security guard in my building said nice day for a "Jog" and I quickly replied "Yes, it was a good run!" Ummmmm why did I feel like I had to clarify?
ReplyDeleteI NEED to know more about your cross-country days... I played Volleyball, BAsketball, thre discus and shot put and did the occasional 200m relay. I have zero cross-country experience and would love to learn more. I look forward to hearing what your coach says..
FYI comments can never be too long :) Thanks as always for checking in..
I was going to comment on your FB yesterday and saw the Tampon comment, so I didn't... didn't know how to comment after that..
Maybe stupid question but as I'm kind of new to running you'll forgive me :)
ReplyDeleteWhat's the difference between tempo running and interval training?
And what is a pace?
I'm a slow runner and do interval trainings but as I do a 10K in 1.20 I would like to become a bit faster and you're more experienced than I am, perhaps you could help me out?
Hmmmm.... Playtex or Tampax today? :) Happy running, friend.
Interesting thoughts here. I guess I'm a jogger too since I'm not too fast. I'll take jogger over coach potato though ;)
ReplyDeletehahah, I love when my "regular" friends don't get my running language! :) Too funny - thanks for the laugh!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the explanation Amanda.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing interval training right now once a week.
About the tempo runs I didn't know. After my 10K next week I'm not picking up a new schedule till after winter so I might work on tempo runs in winter.
And now I know about the pace to, got to keep that in mind too.
Thanks again!