Thursday, August 27, 2015

Decisions decisions...

...I'm terrible at making decisions. That's why I usually just wait until the very last minute and then make a completely impulsive decision. And that is how "racing Amanda Style" came impulsive night-before decision to race based on wether or not the race had Morning Of Registration.

So I was perusing Facebook this morning and a race popped up on my feed, the Do-Wacka-Do . It's a 5 mile trail run next Saturday, or at least the one I would do is 5 miles. There is also a 25k, 50k and 50 Miler to chose from.... My crossfit box will be closed Saturday and it's a long holiday why not? I mean other than it's been a while since I've ran 5 miles. But I know I can. But it is a trail run, and trail runs are notoriously difficult. It sounds fun though.

When I have trouble deciding sometimes I make Pro/Con Lists. This very well may be my first EVER Pro/Con of To Race? Or Not To Race? So here it goes....

Fun trail race in OK
I haven't done a fun trail race in OK
It's only 5 miles
Looks pretty
I wouldn't be missing out on crossfit
I actually want to do it, feeling a itch to race!
It's only $30
I could meet other local runners who might end up being new Running Buddies!

It's 2.5 hours away and race start is 7 AM
I'd have to go the night before?
Its in the middle of nowhere....I'd have to camp the night before? Um, say whaaaa???
The "only $30" goes up with orchestration of lodging and travel
My Garmin is tweaked out and I'm not sure my stats would be exact (No stats? No race happened.)
I have no Race Crew or Running Buddies to drag along....

I see there are more Pros than Cons but after writing it out I'm thinking maybe I can find a closer and more convenient trail race or maybe I could just do some training on the trail I found over the weekend.  Maybe I can just take this is a sign that I am ready to start racing again and actually find one, register, and train.

Yesterday we had a fun crossfit workout that consisted of the quintessential tire flips and sled pulls and pushes and tire runs! Flipping tires is surprisingly difficult, much harder than I remember it being as a kid when my siblings and I used to take turns getting inside and being rolled around. I used to do this for fun? As a kid? And now I am old and doing this for a workout. I am definitely sore today in muscles that I haven't felt in quite some time. Speaking of muscles....check out the gun show below!

Today is a much needed rest day. I''m considering making it an active rest day and head to the pool. Or might just sit in my recliner, eat ice cream and play Candy Crush. Decisions decisions.....

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