Thursday, January 19, 2017

Put in the werk, werk, werk....

...and you will see a change. This is 100% true. I don't know what kind of change you will see....but you WILL see a change.

The changes that come with living an active and healthy lifestyle aren't always in the waistline or size of your clothes. While those changes are awesome those aren't the ones I seek. Those aren't the ones that keep me going, time after time, to the gym, mile after mile down the road. The changes that keep me going are the ones I feel on the inside, physically and emotionally. 

Just before Christmas one of the coaches at the gym released some stats. If you know me you know I love LOVE LOVE stats....and I was floored when I saw them. Last year I attended 167 crossfit classes. 167! I think that is a lot considering the significant work that goes into a crossfit class. My girl Kristy was the female leader with 181 classes!! And Brandi was second with 170! I was a close third for attendance. Also, if you know me you know I have a slight competitive side. I didn't know this was being logged and monitored but you better believe in 2017 I know.....

Another stat that tickled me pink was the PR Leaderboard....all my runner readers, we know what PR means....I lead the females in PR's in 2016. And was third overall in the gym including dudes. So I was better than myself 65 times. 65 times I pushed myself and did more, heavier, or faster....and that is awesome! 

Starting anything new is hard. But if you put in the time and the work it gets easier. It may even become fun! And then it just becomes a part of your day-to-day and it is no longer new. When people say, "Yeah but.....I can't's hard for me...." I get it. I used to think I couldn't too....I used to have every reason under the sun why I couldn't do something or that it was harder for me for some reason. But the truth is once I decided  I made it happen and it was no longer became an option. We all have busy lives, hectic schedules,  health problems, kids, jobs,  mortgages....whatever.... excuses.  Find something that interests you and do it! It doesn't have to be CrossFit or running marathons! It could be frisbee golf or tennis, or yoga, or power walking. It could be jazzercizing or swimming. It doesn't even matter. You have the ability to make it a part of your life and you will not be sorry..... You will see how it changes you, slowly from the inside out!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello 2017...

Time keeps marching on. I guess that is a good thing.

Hello faithful followers, old and new. It's been a while. I remember when I used to blog almost daily. My how times have changed. Sometimes I miss it terribly. Sometimes I don't at all. That's OK, I know it is here and when  the mood strikes me I can come and write. I have enjoyed looking back at many of my memories, good and not so good. My blog and my life have evolved and of course that is expected. I miss the days when I was logging miles and my race calendar was full. I miss my running buddies and the camaraderie we shared. But I can look back and smile and at the end of life that is all I can ask for, many happy memories that bring a smile to my face.....

So for 2017 what will I be up to? I decided to get out of bed and sit and think about this. As I started thinking I realized that my blog has always helped me think and has been an invaluable tool for me in my personal growth. So I decided to think about 2016 first. What did the past year teach me?

2016 taught me to acknowledge hurt and pain, to be kind to myself, and forgive and let it go. It has taught me that some people just cannot, will not, do not, and/or won't love me the same as I love them. And that is OK. I have forgiven and let go of those who maybe had no idea it even needed to happen. And that is OK. I have accepted that maybe the quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson has some truth to it; It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all..... I have learned to by happy with me, myself, and I. I have discovered that I love myself, fully and unconditionally. I have adjusted my mindset and my my motivation for doing and accomplishing things is not longer for the end result of being good enough....because I am already good enough.

For the first time in maybe ever, the history of ME I have realized that in 2017 I want to continue doing what I am doing. Being unapologetically me. I want to keep striving for health and wellness of mind, body, and spirit. I want to teach and lead my son, guide him to continue growing into an amazing, caring young man. I want to continue growing and pushing myself. I want to live life and make it happen, not let life happen to me.

I still need to think of some solid, measurable goals and post them. That will be coming soon. In the mean time HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you for following along as I stumble through life and occasionally fill you all in!


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