Sunday, February 28, 2016

16.1 CrossFit Open....What??

Do you feel like suddenly people are speaking a foreign language? Something is going on but you have no idea what it is? Well I'm still learning too but this is what I do know, it's pretty awesome. 

So what is this 16.1 you've been seeing all over Facebook that your friends are posting? It's the first workout of the 2016 CrossFit Open Games. And it was a doozie. There's a pretty cool video you can watch on the CrossFit Games webpage found HERE

So.... what, you ask, was the 16.1 workout? Well check it out: 

Still not sure what exactly it was? Ok, here is some jargon explained for you. 

AMRAP-  as many rounds as possible 
OH-over head 
C2B- chest to bar
RX-the prescribed workout, weight and skills the hardest way
Scaled-still hard, but a little bitty bit easier, but less weight. 

So Friday night we, all my CF friends, showed up to workout, complete workout 16.1. For 20 minutes we did as many rounds as possible of lunges, holding 65 pounds overhead, for 25 feet. Followed by 8 burpees over the bar, 25 ft of OH lunges, 8 chest to bar pull-ups. This is where I had to scale, instead of regular C2B pull-ups I did jumping pull-ups. Some day I'll be able to do a legit C2B pull-up. Someday.  20 minutes is a very long time... I got 120 reps during 20 minutes of amazing, motivating, character-building minutes. And I'm pretty happy with that! 

All said and done, when it was over we were all smiles!! 

Thursday night we find out what 16.2 is! Then Friday we come together, cheer each other on, and get it done! And that my friend is only the beginning of what CrossFit is about!  Wanna check it out? And give it a try?? You should come to my gym CrossFit LandRush! You won't be sorry! 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Is Spring Springing?

The past week has brought some pretty amazing weather here in OK. It's had me sitting outside in my rocking chair staring at my garden. I love spring and I love having a garden. I love being able to eat from my own yard and making fewer trips to the fresh markets for veggies. 

Last year my garden didn't do so great. It was OK but nothing like my garden in I miss this little garden. 

Maybe I should go back to this yard, this house, this garden, this time.....

I'm hoping to make a few adjustments that will make a big difference. But that is part of the fun, figuring out how to deal with the challenges. 

Saturday I attended a class on hydroponics at a local organic garden shop.

I don't know what face this is...i think it is the "I know I'm on video surveillance and taking a selfie" face...

Hydroponics table!!! I want this!
I picked up a small start up system and decided to start my seeds using the hydroponic method and transplant them outside in a few weeks. I'm excited to see how it works! I've opted against my greenhouse this season. The wind here is just too severe and the temperatures to unpredictable and variable to use my small-scale greenhouse. Someday I'll have an awesome, permanent structure, climate controlled that is meant for year round use and stable enough to withstand the elements that come at it. But not yet....not yet....cue what are you waiting for?????

Since peppers take the longest of my garden selection to germinate I started them first. 

Ace is checking it out! I've got a grow light and a heating pad under the tray. 

Later this week I'll get the tomatoes started. It's all trial and error at this point but it sure is fun when you see them start to grow. 

I've still got a lot to do to prepare the outdoor garden. These days I'm trying to stay busy and do things that bring me joy, fulfillment, and meaning. And right now something as simple as watching a tiny seed sprout offers all of that to me. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What are you waiting for??

Um.....good question

The last couple of weeks I've found myself doing a lot of introspection. I seem to always find myself waiting. Waiting for something, someone, timing, money, sunshine, or just waiting for a sign. Sometimes I wonder if God is standing there whacking me with my sign saying "Uh, here's your sign!" And I'm completely missing the whole thing. Oblivious. Or better yet ignoring it because it's not the sign I want. 

Sometimes you can't ignore the obvious ones. The ones that seem to smack you in the face and set you back so far you wonder if it's 1999. The struggle is real. I've been hit with a sign recently and it was pretty clear. But the challenge is to not stand stuck, frozen with the magnitude of the sign that nudges you toward that goal or the dream. The sign that whispers to you "This is real, this right here, what you see, feel, believe, think....this is it. Don't doubt. Don't question. Don't ignore." 

This year I didn't really set any New Year's Resolutuons but I had, have, a very clear picture of what I need to do. When I came here to OK I was on a five year plan. At one point it changed to a two year plan, then three. And now it's back to no-longer-than 5 year plan. But what am I waiting on? I guess I need to get my ducks in a row. Find a forever place, a piece of land where my vision, both professionally and personally, can be created. I need a business plan. I need to save money. I need more education and training. I need a partner. And most importantly I need to be the best me I can be. Need need need....

Once upon a time running made me the best me I can be. These days I've stopped trying to force the run, although I still have plans for a spring half marathon. Anyway, what am I waiting on? I was waiting on other people, another person, this or that, to nudge me along. But I'm not going to sit here and let life just slip by, because that is what is happening. I envy people who make things in their life happen. I've always been kind of a wait and see kind of person. The Ex Hubs always got irritated with me about that because he was a take life by the horns and make it what you want it kind of person. And I can see how that really is the way to do it. I can do anything, go anywhere, accomplish anything that I truly set out to do. I guess it's time I have a heart to heart with myself. 

So again, what am I waiting for?? 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Ups and Downs...

There seems to be an ebb and flow to life. Things are good. Great even. Then one day you wake up and the things that were great aren't great anymore. 

I think training is the same way. I have good runs, great runs! Then I have lousy runs where my shoes are made of cinder blocks. I have great days in "The Box" where I can lift lots of heavy stuff, over and over again. And I feel strong. Unstoppable. Then the next day I'm sore, tired, and weak. And I feel like I don't stand a chance. 

How do we deal with the ups and downs? How do we get through the days  that we feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders and holding us down, holding us back? How do we pick ourselves up and keep trying even when it feels like it's no use? Like we want to quit? Like we won't get faster, stronger, better? Like there won't be an UP just around the corner....

What is it that keeps us hanging on? Coming back time after time? 




And the need to be the best we can be. 


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