Monday, August 13, 2012

Operation Bridesmaid: Zip the Dress Day 1.5

So how am I doing 36 hours after kicking off Operation Zip the Dress? Well it's tough. Yesterday was good. I ran 8 miles, watched some Olympics, and mowed my yard. I ate right and had a knock down drag out with a sugar craving. Today so far has been good too. I'm busy, which always helps. BUT the hard part is my stupid candy basket at sits an arm's length away, staring at me.

The Candy Basket
I'd like to not have it but sometimes, in my profession, you need something to help connect with the kids. So it stays and I work on my will power-hourly

Thanks for all the encouragement from yesterday's post. And just for those of you who may need some proof that indeed, 3 months ago I fit into a size 6, and today I do not,  here is the photo proof:

It zipped!
One word: UGH.

Tonight I'll hit the neighbor(ing)hood for a run followed by jumping rope and KB swings, followed by a delicious, healthy dinner....And the challenge continues.


  1. If anyone has the will-power to get this done, it's you! Keep at it!

  2. Ohhhhh, been there.. The good news is it CAN be done (and I'm sure you'll pull it off..).. The bad news is, it succcccccccccckkksss in the process. Good luck!

  3. You can do this girl! That dress is beautiful by the way!

    1. THANKS!! I'd like to be able to wear it and have it still look beautiful. HA!

  4. Oh, I'm hungry just reading your post! But don't worry, I'll eat snacks for both of us, okay? Seriously, I have faith in you. You'll be fititng into that pretty dress in no time. Cheers and good luck. P.S. Maybe you could put one of those dog avoidance invisible fences around the candy basket at work.

    1. Oh yes, setting up the invisible fence this afternoon! GOOD CALL! And thanks for the moral support. I could use some chocolate right now, so go ahead and gobble some up! =)

  5. Best of luck!!!! I know you will get this done!!! I myself have a dress I bought that I want to wear for my bday in September. It's fits but a little snug so my plan had been to eat better, but I haven't so I think it's time I put it somewhere that I can see it everyday as a reminder!

    1. Yes! Hang it on the outside of your closet! You've got time! Get after it!!! =)

  6. Where is your smile? You can do it!

    1. HA! When i was trying on the dress and texted it to Jessica she said the same thing, where's your smile! I told her, "Don't send a soon-to-be-divorced 33 year old to David's Bridal.....Disastrous." There was no smile with all the girls chatting about weddings and crud and telling me, "Next is you!" HA riiiight! =)

  7. I feel your pain. But I know you can do it!!

  8. You can do it! I'm also trying to stay away from sweets (and alcohol) right now! It's tough!

  9. Good luck! we will be following to hear your success story!


You're pretty much awesome!!


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