Wednesday, June 16, 2010

3 in 1

What a day.  And I’m spent. 

I feel like I was running around crazy all day…probably because I was. I haven’t had a day this jam-packed in a long, long time.  I am proud to say amidst all the business I got my 3 mile run in. 

I was texting with RED after Job Interview #1 and had about 2 hours before I needed to be ready for Job Interview #2 (yes, I had two job interviews today for two different jobs).  I was trying to get out of running my 3 miler, or at least postponing it until later. I had an interview at 4:30 then a Deep Water Aerobics Instructor Training at 6.  My thought was to run just before the training…

When I told her my dilemma, “Now the real dilemma is do I go run and have run hair for next interview?”  RED quickly replied, “YES! Run hair is definitely a good luck charm.  I, personally, get great run hair.” And I know this to be true…me, on the other hand…run hair is not so great. Anyway, I set out for my three miles of fun on the streets of T-Town.  I quickly made a right where I ALWAYS take a left and headed towards a nice sized hill.  Why?  Why! As I was running up that hill I could tell my legs were still tired from Saturday’s run. They felt heavy and sluggy but I kept on. 

Today’s stats: 3 miles/25:12/8:24 pace...

Mile 1    8:34   Mile 2    8:33     Mile 3    8:04

I felt pretty crummy because in the midst of my busy day I got hungry and stopped at Jack in the Box.  My chicken sandwich, fries and orange Fanta did not make me feel very good. In fact it made me feel heavy and gross.

After Job Interview #2 I had about an hour before my training started so I decided to head to the Y and get a swim in. Lucky for me when I got there the Triathlon Training group was working out!  I joined in for about half an hour and got a killer workout! After that I headed to the Deep Water Aerobics training where I spent an hour working out. Maybe I burned off half of my gross lunch?

OH! And how did I forget to tell you all… I registered for Rock n Roll Las Vegas Dec. 5 !  That will be Marathon 3 and my final marathon.  In 2010!!!  That is 3 in 1 year!! 

Today I am grateful for:

A nice end to a long day.


  1. busy busy bumble bee!!! You should sleep great tonight!

  2. I am tired just from reading that! Great job! How did the "running hair" interview go?

  3. Hope the interviews go great!! run-hair not the bet looking thing to count on for a good luck charm:) and yey for 3 this year!

  4. I'm glad I could be of service. And you know perfectly well I was being sarcastic about getting good run hair. The reality is that my hair always looks like bed-head. So my run hair is bed-head morphed into hat-head that is just a flatter version of the norm.

  5. As I got ready to head out on my run last night, husband showed up with Burger King in hand. It smelled SO GOOD - but I knew how gross fast food now makes me feel. :( I usually sloth about after I eat it - feel proud you were able to do 3miles after!

  6. Hope the job interviews went well!! Sounds like you had a good day of workouts!

  7. Hope your interview went well. You are a busy girl.

    way to go!!

  8. This post cracked me up. You are so funny! Congrats on two great interviews and two workouts! And three marathons!

  9. so I am guessing your had good hair??? hope the interviews went well...who knows what doors may be opening!

  10. Wow,you are super woman!! I hope you had a great interview!!! Keep us posted :)

  11. Job, running...good idea going with the run. Running after eating bad food always makes me swear off that food forever or until the run is over and I want it again.

  12. Wow! 3 marathons in one year is great. Good luck on getting the jobs.


You're pretty much awesome!!


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